Imagine finding out that your stomach thinks that you should not have had that ice cream just before your bus departs for a 18 hour ride. Having the right medicine with you can literally be a life saver. Always double check with medical authorities what you need to bring on your trip. The below list has a few suggested items which may come in handy, use it as inspiration and create your own.
If you have medicine from past trips you plan to bring along check the expiry date.
Make sure you get the immunizations you need in time for your departure.
Surgical tape
Compress/sterile wraps
Fungus treatment
It can be easy to get fungal infections in warm and humid climate
Nose spray (against colds)
Cough medicine
Diarrhoea medicine
Heartburn medicine
Constipation medicine
Rehydration salts
If you lose a lot of liquid they can help you avoid dehydration.
Mosquito repellent
Lice treatment
Malaria medication
If you need this check which type you need. There are different types, some with side effects. You may have to start taking the malaria medication in advance.
Check with your physician if it is advisable.
Vitamin and mineral tablets
Useful if you have a one-sided diet.
Sunburn lotion
Treatment if you get burned from staying in the sun for too long.
Clinical thermometer
To measure fever/temperature.
Prescription medicine in original packaging
If you have prescription medicine, put it in the original packaging. Check if it is legal in your destination.
For your medicine.
Sterile syringe
If you are worried that the syringes available locally are not clean.
First aid kit
Fill it up with some of the suggested medicine.
Band aid
Get some different sizes for different wounds.
Blister moleskin
Moleskins are a special type of band aid. It consists of artificial skin that you can cut to shape and then apply on top of your blister.
Eye drops
If your eyes get dry
Condom/lubrification/birth control pills etc
Well, you never know when you might get lucky 😉
Sore Throat Lozenges
For treatment of sore throat.
Motion sickness pills
Check with your pharmacy how much time in advance you need to take the pills for the effect to kick in.
Lotion for insect bites
Happy travels!
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