January 13, 2025


Obey Your Travel

How To Enjoy A Pecan Pie: Ship The Goodness To Your Home

Everyone likes to eat something sweet on one occasion or another. Something sweet not only uplifts the taste-buds of the mouth but also elevates the mood. Though a person can satisfy their sweet-tooth by eating almost anything sugary sweet, a delicious pie does the trick in a comforting way. One of most popular pies is the Pecan Pie. It is predominantly made with pecan nuts and consists of a syrupy center made with mostly corn syrup. The pecan pie has always been a favorite of the Southern United States, where pecan trees flourish.

The pecan was introduced to the early settlers by the American Indians. The French settlers especially enjoyed incorporating the pecan into their luscious pastries. The most common crust for a pecan pie is the French pate brisee which is a shortbread crust that is very delicate, light and flakey. Other predominant flavors in the pie are butter, vanilla, eggs, a dash of salt and sometimes bourbon, rum or chocolate are added to the filling. A handmade pie is divine topped with whipped cream or vanilla ice cream melting into the warm richness. Having pecan pie is an extravagant affair and indulgence. This is why they are a featured dessert for every holiday, especially Thanksgiving and Christmas.

As stated above the secondary ingredient which is required to make this delicious pie is corn syrup. Sometimes it gives rise to a debate whether it’s the ideal ingredient to use in the pie. The reason is that it makes the pie very rich and some taste-buds become intoxicated by the sweetness. Basically it depends on the taste of a person. Those who can’t handle the extreme sweetness prefer alternatives like molasses, brown sugar or maple syrup. The pecan is very versatile and almost anything goes well with it.

A pie can be made at home or purchased from any bakery. But what is all the rage right now are specialty boutique bakeries. Specialty boutique bakeries that specialize in pies take pie making and pie deliciousness to an all new level! With the help of the internet you can now access these specialty boutique bakeries and order pies online. Now handmade pies better than anyones’ grandmother makes are available to simply order online and have the pecan pie ship directly to your home or the office of a client, colleague or prospect. When you have a pecan pie ship directly to a loved one on a special day like a birthday or anniversary the surprise and the delight of the recipient is priceless.