Whether you are heading for challenging Langtang Tilman Pass Trek or rigorous trek in Everest region or simply going for short travel in touristic spots of Nepal, every travelers thinks of grand reduction in their bank sum. But it is not true when you find some travel tips.
Visiting the touristic place in Nepal on budget isn’t difficult task when you find cheap accommodation and food place. However budget travel isn’t just about cheap food and stay, it is also about spending less money. So if you want successful budget trip in Nepal while taking concern of your bank sum, we got some few tips for you:
1) Learn to Bargain
Bargaining is something that is sure to come handy on your travels. Whether you are going for street shopping or dealing your stays, you must bargain to pay less. The first rule of bargain is that you never settle on initial rates mentioned. Nepalese have great bargaining skills and never let it go waste.
2) Find cheap place to stay and shop
If you are travelling Nepal in shoestring budget but want to savor local dishes and shop souvenir, always find cheap place. Most of the touristic place charges high rates, but you can get it in cheaper price in another part of city or town. Find out the best place and save the money.
It applies same when you are trekking in mountainous part of Nepal. For Instance: When you head for Everest three pass trek, stay in local homestay rather than finding out expensive deluxe hotel.
3) Stay away from main market
The main market area are always expensive and crowded that street in Nepal. You can save some dolor if you stay in less popular area rather than in main market. Be sure you have access to local transport or hire private vehicle to go around the town easily.
4) Benefit the local
Local access the huge information about the place than any travel guide or guidebook can offer you. They have been living here and know the place properly. You can ask the local about the price of hotel and foods and find out the best. Be friending or simply talking to them can save your money and also adds unique travel experience.
5) Buy budget travel package
If you are seeking to buy premier travel package, we suggest to opt for budget travel package. There are numerous travel and tour package which offers attractive budget travel package for their clients. Search the best travel package, bargain and find the best rate for your adventure.
If you wish to travel Nepal independently, we suggest you to hire a guide in Kathmandu which can be lot cheaper than budget travel package.
Be noted to book the hotel and airplane ticket in advance in peak season to secure your travel.
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